The ICC presents its foundational report covering our industry emissions profile, clear steps on how to reduce them and explores other areas where our sector can have most impact.


Net-Zero In Sight

A manual to drive collective and individual action in the insight industry

Why we need to take action now

Net-Zero now, not tomorrow:

What is ‘Net-Zero’?

Many of us will have heard talk about ‘Net-Zero’ targets for cutting carbon emissions. You’ve probably also heard about the link between these emissions and climate change, and the fact that they’re rising to unsustainable levels.

Levels that, if we don’t tackle them now, will have catastrophic effects.

But what does ‘Net-Zero’ actually mean? And what can we do - as individuals and businesses - to achieve it?

Introducing the


The Insight Climate Collective (ICC) was formed with the goal of bringing together the market research industry conversations around the climate crisis, and determine how the sector can have the biggest impact in working towards a solution.

Our initial objectives are two-fold: to help the industry get its own house in order, and to support and direct initiatives to help the industry use its skills and data to have the greatest impact beyond our own sector.

The initial priority has been to produce a foundational report, Net Zero In Sight which breaks down the main industry emissions into key components, calculate and benchmark the current total (UK) industry emissions, provide clear guidance and support on how to reduce this, and outline initiatives to deliver wider impact.

But this is only the start.